Yasmin is a Re-Vision trained Transpersonal Integrative Counsellor and eco-therapist based in Brighton with a particular interest in working with issues of difference, diversity and social-ecological injustice. Through the Climate Psychology Alliance’s therapeutic support service, she has worked supporting environmental activists, young people, parents, students and others suffering with “eco-anxiety”. She has also been active in CPA’s decolonising and anti-racism work and belongs to it’s group for BIPoC (black, indigenous and people of colour) members. Yasmin’s chapter, “Cultivating Kinship through Therapy” in the recently published book “Holding the Hope” explores the role of therapy in developing healthier, more soulful relationships with other humans and with the more than human world. Her work is based on an experiential knowledge of our deep interconnectedness whilst also addressing imbalances of power, honouring all our unique particularities and the differences between us.

Alyson Hallett is a prize-winning poet. She has recently completed a Fellowship in the Earth Sciences Department
of Bristol University where she was working with volcanolgists and developing a practice of making duets with stones.
She has published more than twelve books of co-authored and sole-authored prose and poetry, written for Radio 3 and 4
and curates an ongoing international poetry and public art project, The Migration Habits of Stones. Her work has
been carved into a city pavement and etched into library windows. ffi. http://www.alysonhallett.com & www.thestonelibrary.com

Matthew Henson is an existential psychotherapist, psychotherapy trainer and group facilitator based in Cork. He is a former ordinary member of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy’s (IAHIP) governing body and was for a brief period the honorary treasurer. His substantive psychotherapy training was in existential psychotherapy at Regent’s College (now University), London, between 2001 and 2006. He subsequently trained in ecopsychology (Wild Therapy) in 2012 and has been running ecopsychology and ecotherapy workshops and trainings since then, in Ireland, the UK, Poland and online. He also completed an apprenticeship-based Certificate in Counsellor Training at Cork Counselling Centre Training Institute in 2016. He is a longstanding member of Ecopsychologists UK, former vice chair of the Ecopsychology and Ecotherapy Association of Ireland and a founding member of the Ecotherapy Network Ireland. He has work published in the International Review of Psychiatry, Existential Analysis and IAHIP’s Inside Out. Matthew is particularly interested in the application of existential-phenomenology in support of socially responsible psychotherapy and how therapists can embody place and time in the therapeutic encounter. He co-facilitates (with Therese O’Driscoll) CPD workshops exploring these themes and is currently developing a more substantive training program. Further information is available via his website: www.matthewhenson.ie

Artist in residence
My name is Mez. I am a Craftivist and Radical Maker. MAD Sustainability Design was the organic outcome of studying 3D Design where I explored regenerative culture, slow design principles and my role as an Activist.
My mother germinated my deep connection to plants, she is a herbalist and taught me their uses.
I make willow sculpture, run nature crafts workshops and also work as a forest school leader.
I aspire to engage people with community gardens and nature spaces, share crafts skills and encourage alternatives to a consumerist lifestyle.
My website is –